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Громадська організація "Мiжнародний фонд "Взаєморозуміння і толерантність" - Regulations about membership


by the decision of the Managment

International Public Organization

«International Foundation

«Mutual Understanding and Tolerance»

Protocol # 2

from April, 17 2008


Regulations about membership in International Public Organization

«International Foundation

«Mutual Understanding and Tolerance»

International Public Organization «International Foundation «Mutual Understanding and Tolerance» is international voluntary organization which unites the citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, persons without citizenship who expresse a desire to co-operate for realization of its Regulation tasks. This organization is opened and interested in expansion of the activity, it exists not only for its members, but is an accessible for other groups of society.

Regulations about membership in International Public Organization «International Foundation «Mutual Understanding and Tolerance» is determined by the order of affiliating, living, expel from the members of International Public Organization «International Foundation «Mutual Understanding and Tolerance», order of their account, right and duties.

This regulation about membership in International Public Organization «International Foundation «Mutual Understanding and Tolerance» (furthe-Foundation) is developed on implementation of Part III of the Foundation Statute.


  1. Membership in Foundation

    1.1. The membership in the Foundation is:

    - individual;

    - collective;

    - honorary.

    1.1.1. The individual and common members have the equal rights and duties.

    1.2. The individual members of the Foundation can be the citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, persons without citizenship, who reached 18 years old and are interested at achiving the statute aims of the Foundation and also take an active part in the activity by their own work, donations, finance some measures, pay entrance and membership fees as irretrievable financial help.

    1.3. The collective members of the Foundation can be the collectives of enterprises, establishments, organizations and also public organizations which voluntarily expressed a desire to become a member of the Foundation, support its statute aims, take part in the realization of the tasks and pay the entrance fees as irretrievable financial help.

    1.3.1. The common members of the Foundation take an active part in the activity of the F., realize their rights and duties through their representatives (one from each collective member).

    1.4. The honorary member of the Foundation can be a scientist, political or public figure and also any other physical person who has the special achievements in the state creation sphere and gives the considerable organizational, financial or other support for Foundation activity.

    1.4.1. The order of confession of the honorary member of Foundation is established in the Statute about Honorary membership approved by the Management of the Foundation.

    1.4.2. According to the decision of the Foundation Management the Honorary members are free from the entrance and annual fees according to their wish.

    1.5. The membership and leaving are free-will.

    1.5.1. The Foundation members pay the entrance, member and other free-will fees for the statute activity of the Foundation.

    1.5.2. The amount of these fees is established by the common meetings of the Foundation.

    1.5.3. The order of the payment of entrance, member and other free-will fees is regulated by the regulation about the member fees of the International Public Organization «International Foundation «Mutual Understanding and Tolerance».

    1.6. The acceptance in Foundation membership is carried with the accordance of the Foundation Management decision based on the person's application or application fom the representative of the enterprise. organization or public organization.

    1.7. The Foundation membership is confirmed by the certification of the established standard.

    1.8. The entrance in the Foundation on the rights of its collective member is the automatic acceptance of collective members as the individual members of Foundation. Their entrance in the Foundation is carried out on general grounds. Collective members keep complete economic and financial independence.

    1.9. All members of Foundation have equal rights in the decision of any questions of the Foundation activity irrespective of their status, property state, results financial and economic activity and other signs.

    1.10. The Foundation members can be the members of other public organizations.
























  1. The rights and duties of the Foundation members

    2.1. The members of the Foundation have the right:

    - to take part at the common meetings of the Foundation as the delegate;

    - to choose and to be chosen to the structure of the leading and controling bodies of the Foundation;

    - to take part at the conferences, seminars and other measures, which are organized and caried out by the Foundation on the grounds established by the Foundation management, common meetings and local departments ;

    - to use all types of the help which can provide the Foundation on the grounds approved by the Foundation Management;

    - to get the systematic and organizational help in the project realization approved by the Foundation Management decision;

    - to demand the consideration of any questions which are concerned of the Foundation activity;

    - to discuss any questions of the Foundation activity, to suggest some proposals to make better the Foundation activity;

    - to get an information providing on free ground in the rate established by the Foundation Management;

    - to get the help from the Foundation for maintenance of their rights and interests on the grounds established by the Foundation Management;

    - to leave the membership according to the order and conditions established by the Statute and this Regulation.

    2.2. In any public statements the member of Foundation has a right to recall about membership in the Foundation accept if the Management of the Foundation took a decision about stopping of his membership in the Foundation.

    2.3. The members of Foundation can also have other rights established by the current legislation of Ukraine, Foundation Statute and decisions of General meetings.

    2.4. Members of the Foundation must:

    - to follow the requirements of the Statute, this Regulation, other internal documents of Foundation and also follow the decision of General meetings, Management and other bodies of the Foundation, which are obligatory for the members of Foundation and meet for the current legislation of Ukraine;

    - to take an active part in activity of Foundation, to help in realization the aims and tasks by the intellectual, financial and technical resources;

    - in accordance with the decision of Foundation Management to carry out all obligations toward activity of Foundation, to inform in the set order the Management of Foundation about the activity and its results;

    - to pay affiliation and membership fees as an irretrievable financial help in the proper time, in amount and terms which are set by General meeting of the Foundation;

    - to hold back from the actions which can do harm for legal interests of Foundation and his members;

    - to take measures for the removal of failings and mistakes in the work if such were found out;

    - to react on the official remarks/requirements of the Statute bodies of Foundation operatively and effectively;

    - to inform the leading bodies of Foundation about facts which can negatively influence on activity of the Foundation or about infrigement of its Statute;


























3. An order of entrance to the Foundation

    3.1. An affiliation to the Foundation is carried out on the basis of writing application to the Management of the Foundation.

    3.1.1. If a candidate enters in membership of the Foundation through the local department of the Foundation, the chairman of this local department sends his application and documents to the Management of Foundation for consideration and confirmation with his recommendation.

    3.2. Candidate for the collective members of the Foundation, except application, also gives the proper decision of the enterprise, establishment or organization staff meeting or the decision (protocol) of the regulation body of public organizations about a desire of assumptions to the Foundation.

    3.3. Application for the entry to the Foundation is given to the Management of the Foundation and should have:

    - for individual members: surname, name, patronimic name, citizenship, place of residence, date of birth. With the application the obligation paper about holding all regulations, rules and duties is given too;

    - for the collective members: name, legal adress, information about state registration and the obligation paper about holding all regulations, rules and duties of the Foundation.

    3.3.1. An enterprise, establishment, organization of citizens union which collective has a wish to become the collective member of the Foundation, must hand to the Foundation Management: the copy of the state registration certificate, copy all documents of the legal person with all changes for the moment of the application handing which must be certified by the stamp of the proper lagal person.

    3.4. Application with the documents is sent as the recommendation letter to the Foundation or is handed to the secreteriat of the Foundation Management personally.

    3.5. The application are registered in the secreteriat of the Foundation Management in the book of applications registration.

    3.6. Package of documents and application about an entry to the Foundation is considerated by the Foundation Management during a month. A decision about an entry in the membership of Foundation is considered accepted, if the more than half of members of the Foundation Management voted for him.

    3.6.1. In the case of refusal in acceptance to the members of Foundation a declarant receives a writing report about refusal with the explaining of the reasons. If the application of declarant will be declined, he has a right to hand in a new application after 6 (six) calendar months from the date of the handing first application.

    3.6.2. During a month from the date of making by the Management the decision about the acceptance of the candidate to the Foundation he received a letter (by the post of e-mail) about the accptance to the Foundation, amount and term of payment of affiliation and membership fees, bank essential elements, in the case of necessity - the documents and materials of the Foundation (regulations, procedures etc.).

    3.7. The candidate to Foundation must pay the set affiliation fee and membership fee for the next period of his membership in a cashless form on a settlement acount of the Foundation.

    3.8. The membership in the Foundation is fixed by the Certification of standard form, which is given by the President of Foundation after payment of the affiliation membership fee by the new member of Foundation.

    3.9. In the case of the loss of Certification he can get the new one after handing the application.


    4. The registration of the Foundation members

    4.1. The registration of the Foundation members is carring out by the secreteriat of the Foundation Management.





















    5. The stopping of the membership in the Foundation

    5.1. Membership in Foundation ends voluntarily or by the exception of member of Fund.

    5.2. The member of Foundation has a right at any time to leave the membership of Foundation. It is handed in a proper application (arbitrary form) to the Foundation Management. A right of the leaving the Foundation is an integral part.

    5.2.1. Individual member of Foundation - a physical person has a right to hand in an application about leaving personally or to send the application by the post (by an e-mail).

    5.2.2. The collective member of Foundation has a right to hand in an application about leaving through his representative or by the post( by e-mail). To the application the decision of collective meeting of enterprise, establishment, organization is added or decision (protocol) of regulation body of public organization about the desire of leaving the membership of Foundation.

    5.3. The application about leaving the membership of the Foundation is considered during 1 month from the date of its handing in.

    5.4. In the case of the voluntarily stopping of membership in Foundation a person has a right repeatedly to enter in the Foundation with the accordance of established regulations in the Statute.

    5.5. The member of Foundation can be excluded from Foundation according to the decision of the Management from the following causes:

    - non-observance of current legislation and Foundation Statute and also other Regulations and rules;

    - systematic non-fulfillment of Management decisions and duties as a member of Foundation, including payments of the entrance and membership fees, except for the cases when the member is released from the payment of such fees by the Management of the Foundation;

    - doing the actions which contradict for the Regulation tasks of the Foundation or substantially worsen financial position of Foundation or spoil the reputation of Foundation;

    - loss of the business contacts with Foundation (more than two years);

    - liquidation of Foundation member as a legal person.

    5.6. The decision about stopping of membership or excluding from the Foundation membership is made on the meeting of the Foundation Management by the amount of present members voices. The date of the membership stopping of excluding from the Foundation is the date of the making decision by the Foundation Management.

    5.7. The decision about stopping of membership or excluding from the Foundation membership is sent for this member during 10 days from the date of decision acceptance.

    5.8. At the leaving/excluding from the Foundation the member certificate is rescinded.

    5.9. The excluding member from the Foundation deprives his rights on the repeated entering to the Foundation during 3 (three) years.

    5.10. In the case of the voluntarily stopping of membership in Foundation or excluding of member from the Foundation, property and money (including payments) which were given to the Foundation aren't returned. These persons have no authority to demand refund of any charges which are connected with their membership in the Foundation.





















    6. Final regulations

    6.1. This Statute goes into effect from the moment of its approval by the Foundation Management.

    6.2. Changes and additions to this Statute can be put for consideration by the members of the Foundation Management, by the leading and other bodies of the Foundation and go into effect after their approval by the Foundation Management.

    6.3. All questions, which aren't regulated by the Statute, these Regulations and internal documents of the Foundation are discussed with the accordance of the legislation of Ukraine.